
f fresh water
b brackish water
s saltwater


- Guppys (Poecilia wingei x reticulata) f,b,s
- Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus) f
- Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) f
- Dusky millions fish (Phalloceros caudimaculatus) f

- Betta splendens f
- Trichopsis pumila f

- Boraras brigittae f
- Sundadanio axelrodi f

- Hoplisoma habrosus (formerly Corydoras habrosus) f
- Sewellia lineolata f

- Emblemaria pandionis s
- Gobiodon okinawae s
- Amphiprion ocellaris s


- Physella acuta f
- Planorbella duryi f
- Clea helena f
- Theodoxus sp. f,b
- Asolene spixi f

Terrestrial Isopods

- Porcellio scaber
- Porcellio laevis
- Porcellio hoffmannseggii

- Armadillidium vulgare

- Oniscus asellus

- Dwarf white isopods (Trichorhina tomentosa)


- Neocaridina davidi f

- Caridina multidentata f
- Caridina pareparensis parvidentata f

- Thor amboinensis s
- Lysmata amboinensis s
- Palaemon varians f,b,s

- Branchinella thailandensis f
- Artemia sp. s

All information regarding the animals and plants listed is based on my own experience keeping them.